So, Friday night I get an e-mail from Marburg saying that my bank is not authorising my registration payment. So I called Scotia today to get it all fixed up while my boss was messing around in the office instead of filming but that's a different story. I was on the phone with Scotia for only 15 minutes and the lady I spoke with was incredibly helpful. Turns out it's a problem on Marburg's end and not from here. Anyway, it just felt good to get that all sorted out. Being productive FTW!
Another thing that makes me happy today: I found my sunglasses! They were tucked away in a pocket of the camera bag I use for work and not punked by my sister... a ha... :D ... So Jenn, I take back my accusation... sorry!
I had better start packing and sorting out what I'll need immediately and what I'll need to get my parents to ship to me. I guess I won't need my skates immediately.... *sigh*
A little thing that kind of got me really excited for the exchange today was reading over the e-mail they sent asking me to fix money stuff. Weird, I know. But it said "Dear ladies" and that reminded me of all the new people who I'll be meeting which made me go "YAY!!!" but internally. Or else I would've gotten weird looks from the people in the office.
Also, Connie messaged me on Facebook asking a bunch of questions and that got me thinking about Germany and all excited again.
Basically, if I even think I hear a plane I get excited. I'm pretty jumpy these days.
Some sobering thoughts: I won't be seeing the friends who I've seen basically every day for the past 6-7+ years for a full year. Kev mentioned that this would be the first year we wouldn't have any classes together since grade 9. He also mentioned that I wouldn't be there to laugh at him when he came in late to class all frazzled or to mock the professors with him. Sad day :(.
THIS IS WHY EVERYONE NEEDS TO GET SKYPE STAT! And add me. Oh! Apparently there are two accounts so call me/text me/smoke signal me and let me know that you've got Skype. Both have my exact birthday so be warned. Ah screw it, my account name is bexxter27 (someone had already taken bexter27...the jerk.)
Anyway, here is a picture of who I will miss the most.
you will miss Willow the comforting. i loves you too